My name is Francinher Sandoval Valencia and I have ongoing training at the film directing school, as well as a rich career in the artistic field and technology.
I am an Audiovisual Director, Author, Composer and the founder of the cultural and artistic platform Producing Arte. Throughout my life, I have considered myself a "militant of different artistic manifestations," which includes writing, poetry, musical composition and my great passion for cinema. My main motivation for exploring these disciplines is the connection with the creative force that exists in the universe.
Artistic Realization

Audiovisual Field
Video clips
In the audiovisual field, I have experience in Audiovisual production, creating video clips for artists and the production of advertising spots. I have also created promotional videos for poets and writers.

Publication of Books
Publishing Label Produce Art
I have had the privilege of publishing my first anthological and musical work "Otoño sin Recitales", a tribute to the city of Buenos Aires, I have also been able to publish several works by a great Peruvian writer Nadie Huamán Rojas. Book cover design, layout and record management.

Biographies Artistic
Inspiring Musicians
As a graphic designer I have done various jobs for well-known artists in the musical field, I have designed their printed Biographies in web version and mobile site. I have also created quite distinctive logos that match their artistic criteria.

Documentary Photography
Musical and artistic
As for thephotographic field, He has done photo shoots for well-known artists in the music industry. Focusing on a documentary perspective, I have also taken advertising and event photography.

Web Design
Website and Mobile Version
I have the necessary tools to design websites for both PC and mobile versions and their respective APPs.

Creator of styles that adapt
I have also made portfolios, audiovisual material for social networks and websites, for a large company called New Garden Party.
Gala of
"Little Rose"
Award-Winning Poetry
"Little Rose"
"poetry award for having participated on behalf of the Argentine Republic, in the poets' gala, an event that took place in the municipality José Pedro Varela, Lavalleja - Uruguay.
Artistic Meeting
"January 6"
Award-Winning Poetry
"Six of January" poetry award for having participated in the 3rd meeting of artists, poets and writers, an event held in the Villa 31 neighborhood of the city of Buenos Aires. Award and appointment as cultural consultant and ambassador of peace.